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Hello !! Welcome to MECHEM PVT LTD!! For more than 35 years we have built a trustworthy reputation for continuous Tradition of Innovation and have always maintained
Hello !! Welcome to MECHEM PVT LTD!! For more than 35 years we have built a trustworthy reputation for continuous Tradition of Innovation and have always maintained
The PUF insulated Fiberglass Houses made by MECHEM Now reach us here for procuring these insulated Fiberglass Houses. Contact us below: 1. Phone# +919176834107 2. Email: [email protected] 3. Tweet Us @AndersonGreenH2 @FGCI4301 @FiberglassWorld
MECHEM Completed the toll gate structures with complete roofing, all fibreglass cabins, and electronic boom barriers at Kandarpur on Paradeep road.
Strong and Weather-ProofFiberglass Kiosks and Cabins/ Portacabins made by MECHEM. Contact us below: 1. Phone# +919176834107 2. Email: [email protected] 3. Tweet Us #Kiosks #Fiberglass #FiberglassPortablecabins #Mechempvtltd #Strong #CreepResistant #WeatherProof #PortaCabins
Chilika lake now has it's 2nd and 3rd fibreglass Catamarans from MECHEM Pvt. Ltd.. The first one was also made by MECHEM Pvt LTD.. The famous Floating Restaurant for OTDC Barkul was deployed in the year 2000 and has been serving OTDC as a strong money maker.
Strong, durable and hygienic FRP Water tanks that are time proven with customer satisfaction for more than 30 years. Contact us here and below: 1. Phone# +919176834107 2. Email: [email protected] @Fiberglass @LtdMechem #HighTemperatureResistant #Hygienic #lightweight @WaterTanks